Here I listed a little collection of the sound healing tools I work with in individual sessions as well in group ceremonies.
Paiste Sun Gong
This 38 inch ( 96.52 cm ) Silver nickel gong is one of the main gongs I work with when it comes to sound healing. It’s extreme resonances and overtones have the potential to silence the ego and practise the higher states of Self. The gong traces its roots back to the Bronze Age around 3500 BC. The term gong originated in Java. Scientific and archaeological research has established that Burma, China, Java and Annam were the four main gong manufacturing centres of the ancient world.
Chao Gong 40 inch
Pure bronze gongs, the sound from these traditional Chinese gongs are extremely rich in overtones. Personally I like to work with larger diameters because of the lower frequenties. The largest Chao gong in my personal collection is 44 inch, about 110 cm. I love them.
Singing bowls
These sound instruments originates from Tibet and according to the gong they are extremely powerful when it comes to the practise of meditation and healing benefits.
Innato flute
This flute has been developed from the Huaca flute, a sacred instrument that originates from the Andes regions in South America. Can also be played on top of one’s head to experience the sound from within.
Ohm tuning forks
Tuning tools with a specific resonance to work directly on the body. Used to relax tight muscles, reduce inflammation, and increase the flow of vital energy essential to healing.
Made from the Chakapa plant and used in all type of healing rituals around the Amazon. It’s sound can be very trance rhythmic or meditative, depending on the intention of use. Wayra is also a known name for this ritual instrument, which refers to “Wind”.
Shamanic drum
Drums originate from many cultures and tribes all over the planet. It symbolizes the heartbeat of the mother planet we all origin from.
Shipibo Maraca
Handcrafted instrument made by the Shipibo indians. The body is made from Calabash and the handle from the Chonta tree. They are filled with Achira seeds and decorated with traditional designs – representing the traditional icaro song patterns which are sung by shamans during rituals and ceremonies.
Ritual stones
These stones are from the Shipibo dieta in the Peruvian Amazon 2018 with Maestro Heberto Garcia. The stones I have used during many rituals and where charged for the entire dieta at the Renaco Palo Maestro. ( Tree of Love )
Zelday Medicine Didgeridoo
Didgeridoo’s have great potential to (re)connect with the essence of your nature by playing, hearing or feeling them. Their are a variety of key’s in my collection, every key has it’s very own character in sound and vibration.
Egyptian Geese wing
Wings are used during sessions, rituals and ceremonies for spreading Aqua de florida or transmit individual or group energy. Egyptian geese were considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians, and appeared in much of their artwork.
Sound Tubes Xylophone