Airdrum & Percussive style workshop by Zelday Karssen.
This 3-hour intensive workshop is for everyone who is interested in the Airdrum and percussive styles. The percussive form of didgeridoo playing gives dynamism to the game, allowing you to produce very new sounds in the frequency range of your instrument.
What are Airdrum and Percussive playing techniques?
Where the didgeridoo of origin is used as a rhythm instrument, there is today also developed a percussive form. A variety of techniques are, as it were, cut into pieces and played percussively on the didge. Founders such as Ondrey Smekal and Dubravko Lapaine, designed an entirely new didgeridoo style of play that inspired many around the world. This style of playing has certainly influenced me and is one of the routes in which I have specialized myself.
Parts of the workshop include: Drone kicks & attacks / tongue and diaphragm breathing / tooting / multiple tooting / rhythm formation / and a range of Airdrum rhythm building blocks that give the specific sound of this style. The workshop is for both half – and advanced. You do not need any prior knowledge of this style, but it is a must that you can breathe circularly. Techniques for this style deviate considerably from the classical didgeridoo playing, the workshop is therefore accessible to anyone who can breathe circularly.
The workshop is given in the Didgeridoo studio of Zelday Karssen.
Location: Karssen – Didgeridoo & Sound studio, Parallelweg 26-196, 3849 MN in Hierden, the Netherlands.
Contribution: 60 euros incl. Tea and some goodies.
After registration via Contact you will receive an e-mail with information and payment details, after payment your place of participation has been confirmed. Take your own didgeridoo with you and of course all didgeridoos from the shop can be used on this day. For current workshops, see dates in the Agenda , or read here where this style originated for me.