After Zelday started to produce didgeridoo’s from diverse European timber in the early 2000’s, he branded his instruments as Karssen – didgeridoo’s. The first generation of craftsmen specialized in the production of didgeridoos, often featuring artistic designs.
A second generation of didgeridoo’s started around 2017 under the name Zelday – didgeridoo’s. European timber and Australian Eucalyptus were used to produce his specific style of building didgeridoo’s. As a highly educated didgeridoo specialist, his instruments have been acknowledged by the didgeridoo community and he has expanded his reach globally.
From 2024 a third generation has launched. The so called ZKI didgeridoo’s. A large part of this collection has born from a collaboration with, the once largest Didgeridoo shop in Europe, the famous Aboriginal Arts & Instruments in Amsterdam. A few cubic meters of raw,- and semi-finished Australian Eucalyptus logs of the highest quality were intensively observed by Zelday and so the third generation instruments became his new vision. A vision in his mind to bring this unique amount of original Australian Eucalyptus timber alive! The highest quality of Bloodwood, Stringybark and Woolybutt Eucalyptus we can think of. Each raw,- or semi-finished log is precisely chiseled, sanded, (re)tuned, polished and finished under the hands and high knowledge of Zelday’s specialism in one of the oldest instruments on earth.
Finally, ZKI is engraved in each instrument as an brandname that covers the quality Zelday stands for. There are two types of ZKI didgeridoo’s. One collection of high quality instruments on a more budget level, and the other collection is crafted for the mind of those who are in search of professional didgeridoo’s that belong to the highest quality of the planet.
Both type of instrument guaranty a level of quality in playability and timber, playable from beginners to professionals. The instruments engraved with the additional inlayment of a piece of Abalone shell are ranked to the professional high-end quality, and are recognized by that for their extreme playability in sound and technic for those who are in search for such professional and life long instrument.