Since June 2021 I have been signing my DIY didgeridoo's with ZELDAY. After more than 12 years of professionally building didgeridoo under my family name, there is now an update with the name I carry in my soul. Is there a difference in instruments? No, not directly, but I move and grow as a musician and as a person and with that everything moves with which I am connected. The growth of instrument construction has never stood still, from this year on I will continue to bring my native and Eucalyptus wood species under my name:
It is a true journey for the individual player to the instrument of your dreams. You start your didge tour with more or less any random instrument. You are learning, exploring, by gathering information you become one with certain techniques and little by little you get to know your didge. You may purchase a second didge, often a better one, and a broader field of knowledge and insight about the instrument is created because you can compare. What one didge allows, the other does less and vice versa. Little by little a better picture emerges about an instrument that you would like to have, something like a`dream didge.`
Many didgeridoo´s have come and many have gone through my hands, in all shapes and sizes. From the beginning of 2001 I started to experiment with all kinds of different types of wood, lengths and materials. In those early years, I also made a year-long journey through Australia, holding hundreds of didges. All knowledge was more than welcome and over the years I got ideas about my own dream didge, which was reflected in the professional self-build. By thoroughly documenting each didge in the building process, logical connections were made. By experimenting in lengths, diameters, types of wood etc. the instruments became more and more to what I wanted to experience and hear in them. Back pressure, volume, overtones, wood hardness, reflectivity and high-mid-low frequency levels are just a few keywords that are always useful when building these instruments. Today I know what I am building, naturally look for fallen tree species in the right hardness. The tree may die naturally and with respect I will manufacture its embodiment in an instrument. I mainly work with Acacia, Maple, Eucalyptus, Essen and Oak because of the quality of sound.
Custom made Karssen didgeridoo
It is possible to have your own didgeridoo made. An instrument that will be built according to your style interest, pitch and desired trumpet tone. The custom made instruments will be finished the way you want; from blank wood to artistic carvings, inlaid with other types of wood or stones. To guarantee the guarantee, the Karssen antidididos will always be finished with the epoxy resins I selected.
Plan together to view a possible didge for you, to play and to map all the information about this didge. In a relaxed atmosphere there is time to feel and experience. If you can’t figure it out, there is the possibility to test a Karssen didgeridoo for up to 5 days further at home, to confirm your choice.
Take the time to come by appointment or look around in the webshop.
You’re most welcome,
Zelday Karssen